Cost Reduction Technique: Cut Costs and Maximise Profit
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Cost Reduction Technique: Cut Costs and Maximise Profits

Cost Reduction Technique: Cut Costs and Maximise Profits

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Language: English

Instructors: Dr. Aryan Viswakarma & Avishek Dwivedi

Validity Period: 1825 days

$150 74% OFF


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Course: Cost Reduction Technique: Cut Costs and Maximise Profits

Course Duration: 6+ hrs

Course Objectives

Quality HUB India™ believes that the whole management team as well as the entire workforce in every organization must be actively involved in order to support an organization's efforts to continuously reduce costs and attain an acceptable level of long-term profitability.

One of the key responsibilities of the management teams of every firm is to determine and continually reduce unit costs in order to maintain the desired level of profit. In order to do this, senior managers and controlling specialists must look beyond the use of controlling tools in order to foster a culture of cost reduction.

All levels of the company need to be given a conducive atmosphere for effective and efficient cost problem resolution, and behaviors need to be shaped to support this environment.

Without practice, it is impossible to learn these cost-focused management techniques. In order to fully comprehend the fundamentals of current and future cost performance and develop a new model for learning and organizational change: pro-cost improvement culture, top managers and professionals in controlling must go through their own learning cycles for in-depth knowledge of cost and cost improvement.

What you are going to learn:

In this course, you'll learn practical techniques to identify wasted money in your company, detailed tips for analyzing the effectiveness of your biggest costs, understand why you should increase your prices or reduce your quality, learn which of your customers are actually costing you money, and dealing with common problems of management and motivation.

After this course your company will be lean, have highly profitable customers, and every part of the supply chain will contribute more effectively. In fact - you'll most likely be dealing with the most profit you’ve ever known! We look at lots of real-life cost reduction examples. Whether you're a small family business or a huge multinational this course will build essential skills for your long-term growth and short-term effectiveness.

In our opinion Cost Reduction is one of the most powerful and underestimated leadership and project management areas. Most companies focus entirely on selling and forget that there are crores of rupees left on the factory floor through inefficiencies and misunderstandings. Rest assured - you need not make your employees or customers unhappy using these techniques… in fact most likely both will end up better off.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone managing a team or organization, no matter how big or little... or self-employed.
  • Anyone who wishes to work in cost reduction or management in their future career.
  • Firms searching for inspiration on how to reduce costs and stay competitive.
  • Suitable for product or service-oriented businesses.

Certification Exam

  • Each certification candidate is required to pass a written examination that consists of multiple choice and/or descriptive questions measuring comprehension of the Body of Knowledge.
  • The exam will be conducted online.
  • It is only offered in English.
  • Learners need to appear for the final test within 12 months of purchasing the course. Course access will remain till the access period as per the applicability
  • Learners can clear their doubts arising during the study within 01 years from the date of purchasing the course
  • *Taking an exam after one year will incur a fee*
  • For Sample Certificate Click Here

Pass Criteria:  > 60% marks

Certificate Program- 

Please note that only E-Certificates will be issued in this course.

*Taking an exam after one year will incur a fee*

Note: For candidates clearing the exam successfully, the certificate shall be issued by Quality HUB India, which is a registered organization with GOI for training and certification courses.

Step 1: Fill Candidate Registration Form attached in your Course Content Section and submit it in the QHI Portal.

Step 2:  You must wait 07 working days to get the Certificate

Policy on Cancellation and Refunds

  • The course to which you have subscribed cannot be replaced with another course.
  • It is not possible to cancel a course once it has been purchased.
  • There are no refunds for fees.
  • Courses are not transferrable.
  • There will be no extensions. (For Extension, the candidate is to pay nominal charges as per prevailing policy)

Copying, Selling, or Harming videos-

  • We recommend that you do not share videos with your friends, as they may try to damage the videos, which will ultimately get you into trouble.
  • Hacking or causing harm to the videos in any way is a PUNISHABLE offense. You may only watch the videos for as long as they are still valid.
  • All of the videos are COPYRIGHTED.
  • Do not attempt to record the lectures in any other way. If you are caught unlawfully SELLING the lectures in full or in part, you will be forced to pay a large sum of money as compensation and face a slew of other legal consequences.

PS: Please contact us at +91-8094078781 / 7073111630 or drop a mail at [email protected] if you notice any unlawful activity taking place in the name of Quality HUB India™.

Format, PDF, E-books, Templates availability:

All supporting format, PDFs, E-books, and Templates as per the course requirement and within the scope, has been uploaded in the portal in the course section and are downloadable.

No additional documents, formats, templates, etc shall be provided by QHI.

For Technical Support-

Contact us at +91-8094078781 / 7073111630 or drop a mail at [email protected]

*Prices may change at any time without prior notice

Benefits of Doing Courses from Quality HUB India™

  • Expert instruction: Quality HUB India has a team of experienced trainers and consultants who have extensive knowledge and practical experience in their respective fields.
  • Relevant and up-to-date content: Quality HUB India courses are designed to be practical and relevant, and they are updated regularly to reflect the latest best practices and industry standards.
  • Industry recognition: Quality HUB India courses are recognized by various organizations and institutions in the industry, which can enhance your credibility and help you to stand out in the job market.
  • Online Weekly Live Doubt Clearing Session:Available only for course prices above Rs 2000/-.
  • Networking opportunities: Quality HUB India courses provide opportunities for attendees to network with professionals from different industries and backgrounds, which can help you build valuable relationships and expand your knowledge.
  • Flexible learning options: Quality HUB India offers both online and classroom-based courses, which provides flexibility for busy professionals and allows you to choose the learning option that best fits your schedule and preferences.
  • Affordable pricing: Quality HUB India courses are priced affordably, making them accessible to individuals and organizations of all sizes and budgets.

Awards & Recognitions

  • “Indian Achiever’s Award 2021-22” by Indian Achiever’s Forum
  • ‘THE 2022 Global Education Award’ by Xel Research & Journey Magazine
  • “Top 10 Manufacturing Consultant 2022” by Industry Outlook Magazine
  • “THE BEST Learning Platform of 2022” by Business Connect Magazine

Accreditations & Certifications

  • The Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC) – USA
  • International Quality Federation (IQF) – USA
  • International Accreditation Organisation (IAO) – USA
  • ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System
  • ISO 14001:2015 – Environment Management System
  • ISO 29990:2010 – Learning Services for Non-Formal Education & Training

Course Curriculum

  • · Introduction and Significance of Cost
  • · Classification and Flow of Cost

    · Cost associated with each function

    · Overview of Cost Saving

    · Importance of Cost Saving and Reduction

    · Cost Eco System in an organization

    · Difference between Cost Control vs Cost Reduction approaches

    · Introduction to 15 Types of Cost reduction Strategies

    · Cost Reduction Methods for Workplace

    · Value Analysis (VA) & Value Engineering (VE)

    · Cost of Quality (COQ) & Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)

    · Cost Saving Tracker Sheet

    · 07 Cost Reduction Case Studies

    · Cost Reduction Tracker Sheet (Case Study)

    Additional Resources

  • pdf file- 03 no.
  • Format- 01 no.

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.


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